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Your bedroom should be a place of luxury!

Don’t compromise when it comes to your bedroom!

The bed has become a place of luxury to me! I would not exchange it for all the thrones in the world

– Napoleon Bonaparte

Your bedroom is your place of Zaanta. You should desire and expect nothing else. It’s the one place that you can lay back,  close your eyes and fall back into a dream state.

This is often not an easy feat for many and it’s no wonder that it’s often referred to as a luxury.

There is no “greener” mattress than an all natural latex mattress, and it can be a very effective choice for anyone with chemical sensitivities or other allergy concerns.

Natural Latex Mattresses have a uniquely comfortable sleep surface. It is a very dense surface to support your body when you lie down and it will yield and confirm to your body’s contours because if its elastic properties. So if you just haven’t been able to get a good night’s sleep or have constant pain issues, a fully natural latex mattress is a top of the line alternative that has a very different feel, offers unparalleled comfort and support, that may well solve the problem.

Zaanta gives you uncomplicated sleep with a single slab of natural latex. No shifting layers or glues. A simple mattress that mother nature ordered just for you. It’s luxury sleep at it’s finest! Best of all, it’s affordable!

If you’re still not convinced,  contact us to find out more, or if you’re in the area make a booking and visit the Zaanta Bedroom! Either way,  do something and start #feelingZaanta!