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Ways to Improve Sleeping Habits

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A good day incomposite several components of interrelated habitual routines. Starting from a fresh morning to prepare for daily work involves efficient management of health, time, and energy. A good sleep is essential for restoring energy and vitalising the entire body. This article focuses on that important component which holds the foundation for a good day: i.e HABITS. With aging we tend to acquire unknowingly many habits that can destroy our health. In the long run, these habits slowly affect all areas of life and seem to be very difficult to control. Improper sleep patterns are something most of the people affected with these days. These sleep patterns arise due to various facts like improper sleep posture, uncomfortable material, poor air circulation and disintegration of the mattress and more.

Some experts say a simple solution that could make a real change in the situation is to replace the old habits with new habits. The books like ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear and ‘The power of habits’ by Charles Duhigg are best to know some proven techniques. Below are few points highlighted from these books :

  1. Define the reason why you needed a change and list the actions to follow

    For e.g: If Gaining physical strength is your reason, try to list out action like 15 mins daily depends upon your need and goals 

  1. Start with very small effort: Our WILLPOWER is limited, putting effort requires willpower, if we start putting a lot of effort we feel exhausted after a few days. Starting from small steps and continuing it for a longer period makes a habit automatic. The best option is to do only  small changes from your usual routine  until the time the habit feels automatic to your nervous system. This way you require a little motivation to continue for a longer period.
  2.  Improve: Once the habit becomes natural, you can start increasing the intensity.

  For e.g: Increase from 10 mins to 30 mins walk daily. Famous authors who wrote 2000 words daily developed such habitual patterns gradually from 200 words daily.

Now the question is what could be the small change that can improve your sleeping posture? Is it to use a good mattress? Yes, it’s definitely the best and the simplest thing to do if you are looking for a perfect sleep. A mattress that can take the shape of your body is the best option you can go for. Even though options vary a lot coming to an organic material gives a long-lasting effect on your body. Latex mattresses are the best in this category because the material adapts to your body shape. This is one of the small changes you can bring to improve your sleeping posture, which will eventually improve your sleep cycle. Attain a refreshing day by having a good sleep at night.