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Transitioning Babies From Daylight Savings

The Daylight Savings has been ended. Yesterday, the 3th of April at 3am (AEST), the clocks has moved back which means the days will be a little colder and will start a little darker.
Daylight savings does bring a little disruption to our sleep and routine but it is more difficult for our little ones. Here are some tips to make the transition a little easier for the little ones.

  • Do not stress too much about it because your stress can affect the babies as well. The common scenario is that your baby would wake up super early for a few days until their bodies adjust. If you remain consistent and gradually transition them to the new change, they will get back to their usual wake up time.
  • Don’t try to change everything in one go. Keep the baby’s usual bedtime routine.
  • Go outside during awake windows. This helps to set the baby’s circadian rhythm. Make sure that when it’s nap or bedtime, that the lights are down and there is darkness in the room to help your little one fall asleep easier.
  • Be calm and consistent. Remember that the babies need a grace amount of time to adjust. Your baby’s whole internal body clock is shifting and that needs enough time period to adjust.
  • Prepare in advance for the time change. Once the time change has already taken place, you can put your baby to bed at their usual bedtime and slowly start shifting their nap times the next day.
  • By the third night of the time change, you can start slowly shifting your baby’s bedtime routine, nap times and mealtimes back by 15 minutes each day. In this way, you would help them slowly get used to the change.

Remember, every baby has different needs. Be patient and consistent, and choose the way which suits your baby the most.