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Pros and Cons of Natural Latex Mattress – What You Need to Know

Its always smart to do a little research before you choose any mattress as you’ll be spending a third of your life on it.

Your health and well-being is dependent on how well you sleep and that is influenced by what you lie on at night. Invest in time and money to choose the right mattress for you that gives you the best sleep in terms of 1) comfort, 2) support and 3) durability – so you can wake up feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

Those of you who are unfamiliar about natural latex mattresses (or about the general topic of mattresses), it has been in the market for over 50 year, growing in popularly. If your considering getting one, here are a list of the pros and cons about what you need to know.

This is for 100% natural latex mattresses – a single slab of pure organic latex sourced from the sap of rubber trees. These findings are not representative of other so called “latex” mattresses which have chemicals, additives and synthetic materials mixed in which many consider to be inferior in aspects of being less healthy, not as durable, and dilutes the natural quality that organic latex has to offer.


prosAdvantages of natural latex mattress

1. Comfortable – organic latex can have a soft, sinking feel or firmer buoyancy depending on the density you choose. Natural latex is commonly found inside most mattresses, placed at the top as a thin cushioning layer.

latex feel

2. Orthopedic support – organic latex has a natural “springiness” to instantly adapt to any sleep positions regardless if you’re on your back, side or stomach. Unlike other synthetic memory foams, sleepers tend to sink in, generating hot spots, and it takes longer to adapt to changing sleep positions. Those who suffer from chronic pain, such as back pain, find that the comfort of a latex mattress helps alleviate the pain. Increasingly, medical professionals such as osteopaths, physical therapists are recommending latex mattresses for their ability to align the body and spine properly and comfortably.

3. Proper Spine alignment –A huge advantage of latex mattresses is their ability to promote spine alignment. Heavier parts of the body (e.g. shoulders and hips) mould into the latex, yet lighter areas (e.g. lower back and thighs) are still strongly supported to align the spine. The ability to support the natural curvature of the spine is a huge bonus for health and wellness. Furthermore, with this good pressure distribution, blood circulation is improved on a latex mattress.sleep position with arrows

4. Minimal partner disturbance – a latex mattress does not transmit movement or noise easily. If someone on one side of the bed rolls over, it won’t affect the other person. In comparison, innerspring mattresses transfer disturbance and creates noise (i.e. squeaking) if your partner tosses and turns in their sleep.

5. No toxic chemicals or synthetic materials – the common spring or foam mattresses contain variety of petroleum-based chemicals, solvents, fillers, additives and glue with the purpose of adjusting material properties, cost-saving measures or as a fire-retardant. Over time, these synthetic materials can leach out or be emitted into the air where prolonged exposure can be absorbed by the body causing adverse health effects. Mattresses that are certified by Oeko-Tex 100 or Eco-Institut are tested to ensure that there are no harmful chemicals in the product.


6. Antimicrobial and hypoallergenic – one of the biggest attractions of natural latex mattresses. Commonly used by sufferers with asthma, allergies, sensitive skin or people who want a healthy, clean sleep. Organic latex is naturally resistant to dust mites, bed bugs, mould, fungi and mildew. The natural properties and open cell structure of natural latex creates a dry, inhospitable environment for microbial and bacterial growth. People who sleep in warm, humid climates may encounter visible mould growth on their spring or foam mattresses due to the warm, damp environment providing ideal conditions for bacterial growth.

talalay047. Air circulation –organic latex is naturally breathable due to its open cell structure. Furthermore, latex mattresses have pinholes inserted in them during their processing, allowing for much better airflow than any other mattress for a cool nights sleep – a big advantage for people in warm, humid climates. Perspiration does not linger as moisture is naturally wicked away, avoiding dampness. In comparison, synthetic latex and memory foam.

8. Extremely durable – natural latex is a resilient material, having a longer lifetime compared to other mattresses (e.g. memory foam or innerspring) which can sag and compress after a few years. People who have used natural latex mattresses commonly lasts at least 10 years (up to 25 years if they look after it well) providing them with long lasting support and comfort.

9. Naturally fire resistant – other types of mattresses have many different chemicals added to them during manufacturing to increase their resistance to fire. Many of these chemicals are carcinogenic and can cause cancer, immunotoxicity and reproductive toxicity. The natural resistance to fire latex exhibits allows manufacturers to use far fewer, or no toxic flame retardants.

10. No springs – metal coils may pose an ‘antenna risk’ where the many coils can absorb radio signals. Those who are concerned about electromagnetic radiation should stay away from innerspring mattresses as it is not a good environment for our bodies to sleep on.


11. Environmentally sustainable – for those who are environmentally conscious, natural latex is a renewable source of raw material harvested from the sap of rubber trees. These rubber trees can produce the milky white sap for 25-30 years and are eventually cut down for other purposes (e.g. furniture) and replanted for reforestation. Also, natural latex is biodegradable and recyclable (commonly collected and reused by mattress recyclers) avoiding it from pilling it up in landfills. Innerspring or foam mattresses use synthetic material which are petroleum based (non-renewable) making it harmful for the environment and are non-biodegradable.


consDisadvantages of natural latex

1. Higher cost – a latex mattress can be expensive investment (single $800- king $2000) compared to cheap spring mattresses or polyurethane foam mattresses. Nevertheless, the extra cost represents extra value – as you don’t have to replace the mattress as often. Another factor is the vastly improved performance that natural latex offers with a comfier, healthier sleep which is priceless.

To get the best value for money, avoid premium brand names and retail outlets with fancy showroom. Shop online at specialty stores and cut out the middleman – go straight to the manufacturers.

2. Heavy – In comparison, most innerspring mattresses are lighter as they are filled with air, foam or fillers. A natural latex mattress should weigh heavy as it is a rather dense, elastic material needed to provide your body with sufficient support. Latex mattresses require a little more effort to lift and move, nonetheless, manufacturers are now using special machines that roll them up and package it in a box (i.e. size of a small fridge) for easier transportation.

3. Availability – not as popular as the innerspring mattress found in retail stores. Finding a real 100% natural latex mattress can be hard to come by as they are considered a premium, niche product found in specialty stores. The market is growing, satisfying not just people who want eco-friendly products or for the sleep aficionado, but expanding into mainstream as more people discover the benefits derived from natural latex. As more suppliers enter into the market, beware of so called “latex” mattresses which are blended with chemicals or filled with cheap foam and springs. Make sure to see whats inside the mattress and ask for certifications to ensure product quality and performance.



In essence, this list of pros and cons show natural latex mattresses deliver stellar quality performance. There are many advantages and very few disadvantages to purchasing a latex mattress. Nevertheless, the proof is in the pudding, so why not try one out and see why more customers are converting to natural latex mattresses.

If you’ve converted to a natural latex mattress, share your experience in the comments below! Tell us how its changed your life.