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It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes?

Do you lay in bed sweating in summer? Or worse yet in winter? Taking your clothes off is not the only solution.

Time to bust a myth!

A lot of people tend to say their latex mattress feels hot at night. This could be true, if you have:

  1. Multiple layers of latex held together with glue
  2. Synthetic covers or padding on the top
  3. Other layers mixed into your mattress

Or… You sleep in a room that has no ventilation,  fan or air conditioning. Now that’s warm!

The reality is a 100% Natural Latex Zaanta Mattress has pincore holes to help allow for air to circulate and the mattress to breathe while you sleep. The covers are natural breathable materials as well,  giving you a comfortable sleep at night.

Check out our video to learn more:

If you’re still not convinced,  contact us to find out more, or if you’re in the area make a booking and visit the zaanta bedroom! Either way,  its time to start #feelingZaanta!