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Stop Being Such a Tight Wad. Invest In a Good Mattress.

Can you put a price on a good night’s sleep?

Some people just aren’t willing to invest in a good mattress.

They would rather tolerate the discomfort of their saggy, lumpy mattress and only consider replacing it once it becomes damaged or too worn. In the meantime, they will endure reduced sleep quality and accumulate a “sleep debt” which can have a profound negative affect on so many areas of life such as:

  • Lack of concentration, judgment and memory
  • Affect your personality (e.g. irritability and moodiness)
  • Mental health (e.g. depression, insomnia, anxiety, lethargy)
  • Affect your appearance (e.g. sallow skin, puffy eyes)
  • Lead to serious health problems (e.g. heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes)
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Increased stress and weight gain
  • Back, neck and joint pain due to poor spine alignment and support

People have funny priorities.

If you are willing to spending $2000 on a flat screen television which does not do anything for your body (not to mention your mind), why not spend the extra dollars to get a good mattress. A good mattress is a worthy investment as you use it every night, in fact you spend a third of your life on it. If you want to maintain the best health (both mentally and physically), perform at your peak condition – good sleep is just as essential as a good diet and exercise. Therefore, a good mattress is a necessity. Investing in your mattress will go a long way to improving your life – and your body will thank you for it.


Whats a Good Mattress?

A quality mattress should last 10 years if not longer and should provide you with long-last comfort and support.  Divide the cost of the mattress by 10 year to see the value. So a $1000 mattress doesn’t seem so much when you’re spending just $100 a year to get good quality sleep (Or 27 cents a nights).

To put it into perspective, that’s less than the yearly gym membership, or a cup of coffee every morning. A good sleep will have a more positive effect on your mind and body, and you won’t need the caffeine kick in the morning as you’ll feel more rested and rejuvenated.


A Higher Price Doesn’t Mean a Better Mattress

However, don’t forget that spending more does not equate to a better quality mattress. A lot of designer brand mattresses have satin covers, plush tops etc – spending more on the looks rather than comfort. Also, they say the more layers, the more luxurious. A thicker mattress may have many layers but that does not mean more comfort. That’s because:

  • You don’t feel the comfort and support at the bottom layers do you?
  • You could be paying for cheap fillers, foams, innerspring used to bulk up the mattress – and the price!
  • Each layers they sell you, adds another layer of glue which stops airflow meaning each layer is a heat trap


Those layers at the bottom must feel really soft.


Its Whats Inside That Really Counts

If you’re going for cheap mattresses, check what’s inside and you’ll often find they use cheap, synthetic materials such as metal innersprings or petroleum-based foam (e.g. polyester, polyurethane).

Metal innerspring are mostly air, meaning you pay mostly for air (and empty support).

Petroleum-based foams are made up of many unsafe chemicals such as adhesives, solvents and flame retardants. Off-gassing can occur where chemicals are dispersed or emitted from mattress as you sleep and get inhaled or absorbed by your body.

These synthetic materials, when exposed to hot, humid conditions, become susceptible to dust-mites, bedbugs, mould, mildew and fungi. These nasty microbes can aggravate the health of the elderly or children suffering from conditions such as asthma, allergies or sensitive skin.

As a standard rule for everything, if you buy a cheap mattress – you get what you pay for.

empty spaceCheap spring mattresses are mostly air and empty support.


The Best Mattress That Value For Money

The best mattress that you can invest in uses natural and organic materials that provide many health benefits. Natural latex is considered one of the best mattress materials available being hypoallergenic and antimicrobial, whilst providing orthopedic comfort and support. Natural latex will last you longer than any other mattress, at least 10 to 25 year, so you don’t have to replace your mattress as often.

So don’t be frugal when it comes to mattresses – go for quality and comfort. You don’t just need the best, you deserve the best!

sleep position with arrows

Natural latex is nature’s perfect mattress material.


In the comments below, tell us how much you spent on your last mattress? Was it worth it?