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Zaanta Natural Latex – Where Does It Come From?

ZAANTA mattresses, topper pads and pillows are made of pure natural latex sourced from the rubber tree plantations in Kerala, India. Natural rubber, also called India rubber, comes in the form of a milky white liquid made of rubber particles dispersed in water. India is said to be the first country to commercially grow rubber tree introduced by the British planter and is currently one of the top three rubber-producing countries in the  world.

raw natural latex

Our natural latex is cultivated from Hevea Brasiliensis tree plantations located in India.

Our natural latex is extracted from Hevea Brasilienesis tree (genus Hevea, family Euphorbiaceae), a tall softwood tree that grows in tropical climates. Natural rubber is commercially obtained almost exclusively from the Hevea Brasilienesis because it grows well under cultivation and when properly manage the trees can produce natural latex for several years!

When harvesting latex from the tree barks, it requires precise skills where a worker cuts a strip of the bark halfway around the tree, allowing the latex to exude into a collecting vessel. For just one tree, it takes a full day to collect a pint of natural latex. A large amount of organic latex is required to make a single mattress where for a king size mattress, it would take at least a whole day’s output of 50 hectares of rubber trees!

For those environmentally conscious, harvesting the sap does not harm the tree. After the sap is collected, the tree bark heals quickly. The trees can produce latex milk for up to 25 to 30 years. After that, the trees are chopped to be used for other purposes such as furniture and new trees are replanted for reforestation – making it an environmentally sustainable process!

Natural latex has several unique properties making it  superior to other synthetic materials.

  • Resistance to heat – to provide cooler nights sleep and draws away moisture.
  • Up to 200% stretchability – to provide sufficient cushioning for comfort and orthopaedic support.
  • Naturally anti-bacterial and microbial properties  – resistant to dust-mites, bedbug and mold. Highly recommended for people with allergies, asthma or sensitive skin.
  • Extremely durable – providing longer lasting support and comfort, compared to traditional spring mattress which sag and lose shape.
  • Biodegradability and recyclable – so it wont build up in land fills.

These are just some of the properties that make natural latex the perfect mattress material.

The process involved in the making of ZAANTA natural latex mattresses is eco-friendly meaning no harmful chemicals or synthetic materials are added. Raw materials are harvested ethically from local Indian rubber plantations – so you are not just helping the environment but also supporting rural farming communities.

Our vision was not just to provide the best mattress at an affordable price – but to make healthy and eco-friendly products that are environmentally sustainable and help make the world a better place.

Now thats a worthy cause to get behind!