So you need a new mattress. Do you go with memory foam, or natural latex? Does it even matter? It does. It matters a lot actually.
When it comes to mattresses, there is often a common misconception regarding latex and memory foam mattress types. Many people assume that latex and memory foam mattresses are the same thing, but in reality, these are entirely different.
From materials they are made of, to responsiveness and availability of each of these mattress types, here are some key differences between the two which are worth mentioning.
1. Origin of materials
Memory foam is a mass produced material, made from a variety of different synthetic materials. It is usually constructed from petrochemicals such as SBR (styrene-butadiene rubber) or PU (polyurethane). In addition, harsh chemicals such as flame retardants are added for flame proofing.
Natural latex is a natural plant product, that comes from the milky sap harvested from the rubber tree (Hevea Brasiliensis). Rubber tappers strip a thin layer of bark off the tree to release the latex and collect it from cups. This latex is then processed to become a wide variety of products. It is then naturally processed to create the foam layers. Natural latex is naturally flame-resistant, and does not require any flame retardants or other chemicals.

2. Resilience/Bounciness
The resilience and bounce of a mattress is important in determine its support.
Memory foam has very low resilience and bounce, and is extremely conforming. It is great for pressure relief, and those who like that “sinking in” feeling. However, memory foam is very slow-moving where if you move around, the mattress will take a bit of time to go back to its original form.
Natural latex has greater resilience and bounce due to its high natural elasticity. It has a faster response time and more bounce giving you a more “buoyant” feel. This will provide better support for your body as you adjust sleep positions, whilst giving all the pressure relief benefits.
Natural latex has more bounce back, providing more support when you adjust sleep positions.
3. Sleeping Hot Issue
Do you have problems with heat and sweat when you sleep? This is due to the material properties.
A common complaint with memory foam mattresses is that they often can “sleep hot.” As memory foam has no bounce, its very much like sleeping in quicksand. And once you’re stuck, you start getting hot. Also, memory foam mattresses tend to have many thick layers of foam and glue which can trap heat and acts as a impenetrable barrier next to your skin. Memory foam is petroleum-based having a high-density and closed-cell structure.
Natural latex is naturally porous, breathable and not heat retentive. This is due to its uniform “open cell” structure (see picture). Furthermore, natural latex often has a pincore holes in its foam to promotes air circulation allowing the ventilation of heat and moisture as you sleep.
The breathability test where air is pump through foam. As natural latex has an open cell structure, it promotes excellent air ventilation necessary to help you sleep naturally cool and cleaner.
4. Durability
There are a lot of factors that go into the durability of a mattress, but generally latex mattresses are more durable and will last longer than memory foam mattresses (even high-density memory foam ones). Natural latex has much more resiliency in maintaining its support, and less likely to sag or lose its shape compared to memory foam.
5. Allergies
Mattresses can be a breeding ground for nasties such as dustmites, bedbugs and mold which can trigger allergies, asthma and rashes.
This is where natural latex is far superior to memory foam in being the healthier mattress.
Natural latex is produced by the rubber tree to protect itself against invasive insects. When natural latex is harvested and formed into a foam, it has natural hypoallergenic and antibacterial properties making it repel against bed bugs and dustmites. This benefit makes it a widely popular choice for allergy and hay-fever sufferers.
At Zaanta®, we are proud to only sell 100% certified natural latex foam products. None of our products contain blended or synthetic latex or filler materials. We wanted to make it completely clear to our customers how strongly we believed in offering the finest natural and organic bedding that is affordable.