Do you wake up with itchy skin which you didn’t have when you went to sleep, you may have bedbugs in your house. Bedbugs usually bite people while they are sleeping. If bedbugs get into bed with you, they can leave red, itchy welts all over your body.
What do bed bugs look like?

Bedbugs are small, oval, brownish insects around 5-7mm in size that live on the blood of animals or humans. Bedbugs do not fly, but they can move quickly over the surfaces such as floors, walls, and ceilings. Female bedbugs may lay hundreds of eggs which can result into an army of bedbugs. Bedbugs can enter your home undetected through luggage, clothing, used beds and couches, and other items. Due to their flattened bodies, they can fit into tiny spaces. Bedbugs do not have nests like ants or bees, but tend to live in groups in hidden spaces. They typically hide in mattresses, box springs, bed frames, carpets and headboards where they have easy access to people to bite in the night.
Simple tips to clean bedbugs
- Cleaning bedbugs can be tougher but you have to be patient. Clean bedding, linens, curtains, and clothing in hot water and dry them on the highest dryer setting or sunlight.
- Use a steamer on mattresses, couches, and other affected areas.
- Vacuum your bed and surrounding area frequently. After vacuuming, immediately place the vacuum cleaner bag in a plastic bag and put that in outdoor garbage and then clean the vacuum thoroughly.
- Bedbugs may live up to a year without feeding, so get rid of your old mattress and a get a good quality mattress which is dust-mite/bedbugs resistant.
- Get rid of clutter around the bed.
- Do not treat mattresses and bedding with chemicals unless the label specifically says you can use them on bedding. If required, get help from an experienced pest control professional for bedbug extermination.
Prevention from bedbugs
Prevention is always better than cure. An easy way to prevent and reduce the number of dust mites and bedbugs from accumulating into your mattress is to use hypoallergenic bedding.

The most widely recommended and used hypoallergenic bedding are made from natural latex, as it is naturally anti-microbial and bacterial making it resistant to dust-mites, bedbugs and other allergens. Natural latex is inhospitable to dust mites and bedbugs as it has a porous, open cell structure that allows for air circulation prevents build up of any microbial or bacterial growth. It’s dry and porous properties prevent dust mites and other allergens from settling in.
Try natural latex mattress and get a good, healthy sleep naturally.