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Have You Been Put on Bed Rest? Here Are Our Best Survival Tips

Nobody ever wants to hear that they have been put on bed rest by their doctor. Whether you are pregnant or dealing with another health condition, bed rest is often required for healing and protection of your body. Being ordered to stay in bed is a situation that is a significant challenge. Not only are you required to stop working, but you can’t take care of the home, take care of other children or socialize outside of the house. Let’s look at some of our best survival tips if you have been put on bed rest.

Get a More Supportive Mattress

You’re going to be spending the majority of your time in your bed, although some doctors will allow you to spend some time on the couch. However, you want to make sure that your bed is providing you with enough support to get adequate rest. A supportive mattress should be safe, comfortable and durable. Try to stay away from the harsh and harmful chemicals that many traditional mattress companies use for flame retardant. Opt for a natural latex or organic wool version.

Find Things to Keep You Busy

While you could lay in bed and stare at the ceiling all day, this can lead to a great decline in your overall mood. Find things to do in bed or on the couch that will keep you busy. You can read, shop online, find bed rest support groups that will connect you with other people in your situation, and stay in touch with friends on social media.

Bed rest is a challenge, but it is a challenge that you can overcome if you take care of yourself and find things to keep yourself busy. It’s also very important to find help wherever you can. If you have friends or family that are offering to bring you a meal or clean up your home, take them up on their offers. It will help reduce your stress.