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TIPS: How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep?

Sleeping is one of the most important things you need to do right in order to be healthy, both mentally and physically.  If you are feeling tired and fatigued during the day, you may not be getting the quantity or quality of sleep your body needs

Here are some tips to help you sleep better to get that deep, restorative rest so you feel rejuvenated when you wake up in the morning.

  1. Stick to a sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day – even on weekends.
  2. Fit some exercise during the day. Studies show people sleep significantly better and feel more alert during the day if they get at least 20 minutes of exercise per day (65 percent improvement in sleep quality). Also, timing is important, so avoid strenuous exercise right before bedtime.
  3. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine, sugar and nicotine. This is a no brainer. Foods or drinks containing stimulants will keep you awake at night. Coffee, colas, teas and chocolate can take as long as 8 hours to wear off fully. Cigarettes contain nicotine and smoking can also worsen insomnia.
  4. Avoid alcoholic drinks before bed. Excessive amounts of alcohol at any time in the day can disrupt sleep patterns. You also tend to wake up in the middle of the night when the sedating effects have worn off.
  5. Avoid large meals and beverages late at night. Avoid large meal, or heavy, rich foods that can take a lot of work for your stomach  to digest and keep you up. Also, drinking too many fluids at night can cause you to awaken frequently to urinate.
  6. Avoid going to bed hungry. Best night time snacks that help you sleep are foods containing carbohydrates. Some snacks may include half-turkey sandwich, small bow of grain, low-sugar cereal, granola with milk/yoghurt, or a banana.
  7. Avoid medicines that delay or disrupt your sleep, if possible. Some commonly described heart, blood pressure or asthma medications as well as some over-the-counter herbal remedies for coughs, colds or allergies can disrupt sleep patterns.
  8. Don’t take naps after 3 p.m. Naps can boost your brainpower but late afternoon naps can make it harder to fall asleep at night. Also, keep naps to under an hour.
  9. Relax before bed. Take time to unwind. A relaxing activity such as reading or listening to music should be a part of your bedtime routine.
  10. Take a hot bath before bed. The drop in body temperature after bath may help you feel sleep and the bath can help relax you.
  11. Have a good sleep environment. Get rid of anything that might distract you from sleep such as noises, bright lights an uncomfortable bed, or a TV or computer in the bedroom. Also, keep the temperature in your bedroom on the cool side can help you sleep better.
  12. Use your bed only for sleep and sex. Try avoid using the bed for watching TV, eating working or any other activities. Some light night-time reading is fine but only for relaxing/interesting books.
  13. Have the right sunlight exposure. Daylight is key to regulating sleep patterns. Try to get outside in natural sunlight for at least 30 minutes each day.
  14. Don’t lie in bed awake. If you find yourself still awake after staying in bed for more than 20 minutes, get up and do some relaxing activity until you feel sleepy. Anxiety of not being able to sleep can make it harder to fall asleep.

If you consistently find yourself feeling tired or not well rested during the day despite spending enough time in bed, you may have a sleep disorder. Your family doctor or a sleep specialist should be able to help you.


If you know any other helpful sleep tips, share them in the comments below. We’d love to hear them.